Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Well I have returned.....

maybe not as soon as I thought I should have (but at least  in the same month)... so I'll show a few cards I made.....  for kids cards, I like to use Everyday Paper Dolls cart.....
and of course....I remembered to take a photo of the inside of the card...

The paw print is a single small stamp that someone gave me (and you were going to give it away!) the base card is a pre-made 5 1/2 x 7 1/4 and so I made the puppy at 5 1/2 to fill most of the base, using pattern paper for the puppy, I  creased the knees and inked the puppy,added ribbon for a collar then placed down with pop ups.. her eyes is what makes her so cute........
May was my youngest grandson's B-day
....here is his  card..

I didn't want to use the puppy because I used it for his 1st b-day and didn't want to do a repeat....I'm not sure if I posted a pic of that one already..so excuse me for the repeat......

This puppy is so cute in any size or type of paper...... for some reason I can't find the inside of the card...but I cut a fire hydrate in red and inked it (did you take a pic of the inside???)
So.....there you go..did alittle posting, showed some pics...And I call this complete!.....
Anyway  .....  Until next time.........


Sunday, June 3, 2012

Oh My! .....there has been a Change....
I been gone so long that blogger has changed its style??  is that the word I want to use???..no that's not the right word.....because it only took me forever to figure out and post and the preview does not show the whole blog like it use to (it help to read"new changes ") 
 Anyway I have decided I don't like blogging (really???...what gave it away) I enjoy making cards and thought this would be a great place to display them which it is.......
So I think I will just post pic of my cards....what do you think??? (and how long will that last??)
Now I have a new problem...hummmmmmm
I'm not on my laptop to access my pics (didn't last long...did it)

 I'll be back......really I will (don't hold your breath people)
Anyway.......until then....